Music 2

This week’s music tutorial was based around singing and use of the voice and ways singing can be incorporated into the classroom. Discussions were carried out surrounding the selection of musical repertoire for use in a primary setting: songs chosen should be engaging and relevant to students to ensure musical experiences incorporating singing are meaningful for students and ensure engagement. By exploring a range of musical pieces and taking part in singing with the group divided into sections, a sense of understanding could be gained of how important it is for singing to be a part of primary classrooms.
As discussed by Bintz (2010) singing can be incorporated into classrooms to reinforce learning (reciting mathematical concepts such as time tables, or aspects of literacy such as the alphabet) in an engaging and enjoyable way. It assists students in developing vocal skills such as voice projection and communication, as well as phonic and phonemic skills. (Bintz, 2010)

dominican-kids-singing LBWKidsSinging


Bintz, W.P. (2010). The Reading Teacher. 63(8), pp. 683 – 686. doi: 10.1598/RT.63.8.7

Blogspot. (2013). Children singing. [Image]. Retrieved from:

Word Press. (2011). Dominican kids singing. [Image]. Retrieved from:



About enag

Fourth year creative arts student.

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